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payment guarantee中文是什么意思

用"payment guarantee"造句"payment guarantee"怎么读"payment guarantee" in a sentence


  • 付款保证书


  • Provide shortfall payment guarantee
  • Advance payment guarantee
  • A tax payment guarantee property inventory shall only be deemed to be valid after the taxpayer and taxation authority have signed it and affixed their seals
  • A tax payment guarantor shall refer to any citizen , legal person or other economic entity within chinese territory able to provide a tax payment guarantee
  • If using owned property not subject to a mortgage as a tax payment guarantee , a taxpayer shall make a detailed list of the property to be used as a guarantee and specify the value of the property and other relevant matters
  • Type of bank instrument as payment guarantee : unconditional , irrevocable , transferable , revolving , confirmed , documentary letter of credit shall be issued by the buyer ' s bank , defined as a top 25 bank , directly to the sellers bank shown in appendix 6
  • Article 45 a tax payment guarantor agreeing to provide a tax payment guarantee for a taxpayer shall complete a tax payment guarantee statement which specifies the target , scope of the guarantee , duration of guarantee period , guarantee obligations and other relevant matters
  • Article 44 the " tax payment guarantee " as stated in article 26 and article 28 of the tax administration law shall include a tax payment guarantor proposed by the taxpayer and approved by the taxation authority , as well as property owned by the taxpayer which is not connected with a mortgage
  • Firstly , the competent governmental departments should not only supervise and standardize the markets more efficiently , but also stipulate relevant regulations to solve the problems existing in the markets , such as introducing payment guarantee as a solution to project payment default , general contracting to subcontracting and dismembering of the constructors . in the mean time , the supervision over the certification market and certification organizations should be enhanced and more measures should be taken to eliminate the adverse causes of the market . measures should also be made to evaluate the performance of the enterprises " quality systems and the evaluation results should be combined into annual qualification check and bidding
  • On the other hand , the functions of intermediate organizations should be improved to enhance social supervision . in the long run , bond product innovation should be speeded up , mature investors should be cultivated , reform of corporate property rights should be pushed forward , market benchmark interest rate should be constructed , parking and clearing system should be set up , off - the - board market should be promoted , dealing system should be ameliorated , market maker system should be started , and debt payment guarantee system should be established
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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